Innovative Approaches to Improving Middlegame Play by Ivan Ivanisevic


This book serves as a guide to navigating the complexities of dynamic chess middlegames by connecting strategic concepts with dynamic, tactical play.

  • Weight: 530 g
  • Language: English
  • Author: GM Ivan Ivanišević
  • ISBN 978-86-82410-13-3
  • Pages: 212, hardcover

“This book serves as a guide to navigating the complexities of dynamic chess middlegames by connecting strategic concepts with dynamic, tactical play. You will discover how to create positions that require not just precise calculation but also an intuitive understanding of strategic principles. Whether you are aggressively attacking or counterattacking, this balance between logic and flair is the key to mastering dynamic chess. This book consists of six chapters that cover topics relevant to modern chess:

– The AlphaZero Pawn
– Central Passed Pawn
– Zugzwang
– Middlegame Queen Sarcifice
– (Un)expected Kingside Attack
– The King’s Indian Attack

Some of them, such as the King’s Indian Attack or strategies inspired by AlphaZero’s play, have already been analyzed by other authors. However, through my approach and perspective, I have sought to provide a fresh and deeper insight into these concepts. Additionally, I have included entirely new topics that I believe can be highly beneficial to players of all levels, from amateurs to professionals.”

Additional information

Weight 530 g